By Bob Goemans
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Two Little Fishies 


Belonoperca pylei

Baldwin & Smith, 1998

Orangespotted Soapfish, Dr Seuss Soapfish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Central Pacific Ocean: Cook Islands.

Size: 3 inches (6 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits caves and areas under ledges in deep, slightly cooler waters on rocky reefs, and feeds mainly on smaller fishes and crustaceans.

General Husbandry: Has a reddish pink body with large orange-red spots. Not normally collected for the trade. When available, very expensive!


    Order: Perciformes

    Suborder: Percoidei

    Family: Serranidae

    Subfamily: Grammistinae

    Genus: Belonoperca

FYI: As of mid 2016, little hobbyist husbandry exists for this species, yet should be similar to many others in this family. When more data is available, will update this species.

Temperature Range: 71 - 79°F (21 – 26°C).

Shown here for identification only.

 Belonoperca pylei (Orangespotted Soapfish, Dr Seuss Soapfish)
Photo © John Randall
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