By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
Two Little Fishies 


Syngnathus leptorhynchus

Girard, 1854

Bay Pipefish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Eastern Pacific Ocean: Alaska to Baja California in Mexico.

Size: 12 inches (30 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits eelgrass beds and estuaries in shallow bays and off-shore waters at depths between about 3 - 15 feet (1 - 5 m) where it feeds mainly on zooplankton.

General Husbandry: Quite drab, having a brownish body.


    Order: Gasterosteiformes

    Suborder: Syngnathoidei

    Family: Syngnathidae

    Subfamily: Syngnathinae

    Genus: Syngnathus

FYI: A cool water species! 50 - 59°F (10 – 15°C).

Not collected for the hobby.

Shown here for identification only.

 Syngnathus leptorhynchus (Bay Pipefish)
Photo © Daniel Gotshall
Site Supported in Part by:
Eco Tech Marine