By Bob Goemans
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Labropsis xanthonota

Randall, 1981

Yellowback Tubelip Wrasse

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Indo-West Pacific Ocean: East Africa to Samoa, north to Southern Japan, and south to the Great Barrier Reef.

Size: 5 inches (12 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits shallow lagoons and seaward reefs in areas of dense coral growth and usually found at depths between 25 – 100 feet (8 – 30 m) where it feeds on stony coral polyps.

General Husbandry: Rarely seen in the trade with males, females and juveniles having similar coloration, with a blackish body, yellow dorsal, and thin white stripes from the snout to the tail.

Best house in a fish-only aquarium having several rocky crevices to sleep in, yet could be maintained in a reef aquarium having only soft corals.

As to diet, even though coral polyps are desired, this species has been known to accept various products such as marine fish and crustacean flesh, clams, and other marine meaty foods, with being fed twice daily. Nevertheless, its main diet is live stony coral polyps, and feeding regular aquarium foods does not always sustain this species.


    Order: Perciformes

    Suborder: Labroidei

    Family: Labridae

    Genus: Labropsis

FYI: May jump out of uncovered aquariums.

One per tank.

Experience Level: Intermediate

Temperament: Peaceful

Diet: Carnivore

Coral Safe: Yes

Fish Safe: Yes

Invertebrate Safe: With caution

Acclimation Time: 30 minutes+

Aquarium Environment: Fish-only aquarium

Tankmates: Peaceful

Minimum Tank Size: 60 gallons

Temperature Range: 74 - 80°F (23 – 27°C)

Specific Gravity: 1.020 - 1.026

pH: 8.0 - 8.5

 Labropsis xanthonota (Yellowback Tubelip Wrasse)
Photo © John Randall
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