By Bob Goemans
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Fishy Bizness 

Family Helioporidae

Heliopora coerulea

(Pallas, 1766)

Blue Coral, Ridge Coral

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Indo-West Pacific Ocean: Southern Japan, west to Africa's East Coast, throughout the Red Sea and to Australia and the Coral Sea to Samoa.

Natural Environment: Inhabits high-energy locations, e.g., areas where rolling waves in shallow environments, e.g., 20 - 30 feet (6 - 10 m) stir the environment and forms plate-like or column-like growths that can sometimes reach 6 feet (2 m) in height.

General Husbandry: This photosynthetic soft coral, the only member in the Family Helioporidae is one of the few soft corals that actually contribute to reef building. Its internal aragonite/calcium skeleton is 'sky blue,' hence its most popular name (Blue Coral), because of a concentration of iron salts which it removes from surrounding seawater. It forms a hard outer crust of calcium carbonate that is brown due to the zooxanthellae living in this outer covering. Its small olive colored polyps are interconnected by stolons, i.e., root-like extensions, within its structure.

Can shed a layer of outer skin, similar to some leather and porites corals, which helps to remove unwanted coverings of algae and/or bacteria.

Very hardy and disease free and simply requires strong light, and placed where currents are fairly swift, yet not directly in front of outlets where the force of the flow would damage its polyps.

No special feeding is required for this photosynthetic soft coral, but if placed in areas receiving inadequate light, the white edging of its branches that indicate new growth will turn brown. This indicates the coral is increasing its zooxanthellae numbers, which are brown; to satisfy its present nutritional needs, therefore abandoning growth for the present. If such conditions exist, supplemental feeding should be considered, e.g., zooplankton fine particulate foods several times weekly.

The specimen seen here in my aquarium under metal halide lighting had doubled its size in only two years without any special attention to its needs other than bright light and good water movement.

This soft coral, which actually feels like a stony coral, is exceptionally easy to maintain given adequate light and water movement.


    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Cnidaria

    Class: Anthozoa

    Subclass: Octocorallia

    Order: Helioporacea

    Family: Helioporidae

    Genus: Heliopora

FYI: Unfortunately, dried specimens are still sold in the ornament trade because of its internal blue coloring!

One direction water flow should be avoided if at all possible.

Experience Level: Beginner

Diet: Photosynthetic

Temperament: Peaceful

Aquarium Environment: Reef or fish-only aquarium

Coral Safe:Yes

Fish Safe: Yes

Invertebrate Safe: Yes

Acclimation Time: 30 minutes+

Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy

Calcium (Ca): 380 - 430 mg/l

Alkalinity: 2.5 - 3.0 meq/l

Phosphate (PO4): <0.05 mg/l

Magnesium (Mg): approx. 1350 mg/l (relate to specific gravity)

Strontium (Sr) 8 - 10 mg/l

Temperature Range: 72 - 83°F (22 - 28°C)

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons

Lighting: PAR 300 - 450+

Water Movement: WM 2 - 3

Specific Gravity: 1.023 - 1.025

pH: 8.0 - 8.4

Iodine/Trace Elements Monitor/as necessary to maintain quality seawater.

 Heliopora coerulea (Blue Coral, Ridge Coral)
Photo © Bob Goemans
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