By Bob Goemans
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Ocean Nutrition 


Acropora loripes

(Brook, 1892)

Bush Acropora

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Central Indo-Pacific Ocean

Natural Environment: Inhabits upper reef slopes and reef flats and usually seen at depths between 15 to 85 feet (5 - 25 m).

General Husbandry: See Acropora abrolhosensis for suggested aquarium husbandry.


    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Cnidaria

    Class: Anthozoa

    Subclass: Hexacorallia

    Order: Scleractinia

    Family: Acroporidae

    Genus: Acropora

FYI: In the wild have a bushy growth and mostly are a pale brown, except for more shallow specimens, which may have purple tips.

Cultured specimens exist in the trade that exhibit bright colors, therefore ask under what PAR conditions it was grown in, so you may continue to see it maintain its health/colors!

 Acropora loripes (Bush Acropora)
Photo © Franck Meri
 Acropora loripes (Bush Acropora)
Photo © Wikimedia
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