By Bob Goemans
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Polyp Lab 

Family Haliotidae

Haliotis cracherodii

Leach, 1814

Black Abalone

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Eastern Pacific Ocean

Size: 6 inches (15 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits shallow coastal areas rich in kelp.

Aquarium Suitability: Unsuitable for the tropical home aquarium.


    Kingdom: Animalia

    Phylum: Mollusca

    Class: Gastropods

    Order: Archaeogastropoda

    Family: Haliotidae

    Genus: Haliotis

FYI: Shown here for identification only.

Has a temperature range of 59 to 75°F (15 - 24°C).

Would require a cool water aquarium with a good supply of microalgae. Shy, and prefers subdued lighting. Feed various 'greens' including lettuce and algae tablets.

Can sense and move towards food.

Basically people food.

 Haliotis cracherodii (Black Abalone)
Photo © Bob Fenner
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