By Bob Goemans
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Fishy Bizness 


Pseudamia zonata

Randall, Lachner & Fraser, 1985

Paddlefin Cardinalfish

Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank

Range: Indo-West Pacific Ocean: Southern Japan south to Indonesia, and eastward to Fiji.

Size: 8 inches (21 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits reef faces and slopes and hides most of the day in caves and crevices and usually found at depths between 30 – 100 feet (10 – 30 m) where it feeds on small fishes, crustaceans/zooplankton during evening hours.

General Husbandry: Rarely seen in the trade with this hardy species having a greyish silvery body with three wide black vertical bands, one on the head, two on the mid-body, and black on the caudal peduncle, with all fins quite darkish.

Best maintained fish-only aquariums with subdued lighting having a large cave, as it will spend the majority of its time in hiding, and only venture out to feed. Will rarely be visible, except at feeding time. It will also eat all smaller fish, shrimp and tubeworms in the aquarium.

As to diet, products such as marine fish and crustacean flesh, clams, and other marine meaty foods should be enriched and finely chopped and fed several times daily. Depending upon the environment in which its maintained, the best time of the day to feed are early morning and evening hours.


    Order: Perciformes

    Suborder: Percoidei

    Family: Apogonidae

    Subfamily: Pseudaminae

    Genus: Pseudamia

FYI: A major threat to any living creature that will fit into its mouth!

Live foods may be needed to get this species feeding.

    Experience Level: Intermediate

    Temperament: Peaceful

    Diet: Carnivore

    Coral Safe: Yes

    Fish Safe: With caution

    Invertebrate Safe: With caution

    Acclimation Time: 30 minutes+

    Aquarium Environment: Fish-only aquarium

    Tankmates: Larger and peaceful

    Minimum Tank Size: 50+ gallons

    Temperature Range: 72 - 82°F (22 – 28°C)

    Specific Gravity: 1.020 - 1.026

    pH: 8.0 - 8.5

 Pseudamia zonata (Paddlefin Cardinalfish)
Photo © Robert Patzner
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Premium Aquatics