By Bob Goemans
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Polyp Lab 


Pomacentrus chrysurus

Cuvier, 1830

Whitetail Damselfish

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable

Range: Indo-West Pacific Ocean: Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Solomon Islands, north to Southern Japan, south to New Caledonia.

Size: 4 inches (9 cm)

Natural Environment: Inhabits sandy lagoons and inshore reefs around rock or coral outcrops at depths between 3 to about 15 feet (1 – 5 m) and feed mainly on filamentous algae and planktonic crustaceans.

General Husbandry: Occassionaly seen in the trade, with adults having a brownish body and fins, with a black eye spot edged in white on the rear dorsal fin. Juveniles, which are quite attractive, have a bluish body topped in yellow with a similar located eye spot.

Best maintained in aquaria having live rock with growths of various forms of algae, numerous hiding places and aggressive tankmates, e.g., dottybacks, hawkfishes, large wrasses, large angelfishes and surgeonfishes, and triggerfishes.

As to diet, will eat most regular aquarium foods, e.g., live fortified brine shrimp and/or finely chopped various frozen or fresh meaty foods such as mysis, squid, fish flesh, shrimp, clam, etc., and plant material, e.g., flake foods, especially those containing Spirulina and offered once or twice daily.


    Order: Perciformes

    Suborder: Labroidei

    Family: Pomacentridae

    Subfamily: Pomacentrinae

    Genus: Pomacentrus

FYI: This is an aggressive species that will attack larger aggressive tankmates! It also digs under rocks to provide itself hiding areas.

One per aquarium.

Experience Level: Intermediate

Temperament: Aggressive

Diet: Omnivore

Coral Safe: Yes

Invertebrate Safe: With caution

Acclimation Time: 30 minutes+

Aquarium Environment: Reef or fish-only aquarium

Tankmates: Aggressive

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons

Temperature Range: 74 - 84°F (23 – 28°C)

Specific Gravity: 1.020 - 1.026

pH: 8.0 - 8.5

 Pomacentrus chrysurus (Whitetail Damselfish)
Photo © David Cook
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