Name: Josh Worth
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Set up: October 2007
Tank size: 29 Gallon
Sump: 10 gallon Wet/Dry
Sand: Aragonite Mix/1.5" deep
Live Rock: Approximately 60 lbs Marshall and Fiji
Skimmer: Coral Life Superskimmer up to 65 gal
Wavemaker: none
Doser: none
Chiller: none
UV Sterilizer: none
Refugium: none
Denitrator: none
Heater: 200 watt
1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Starry Blenny
1 Coral Beauty
1 Sixline Wrasse
3 Blue Reef Chromis
12 mini blue leg hermits
2 Zebra hermits
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
1 Blue Tuxedo Urchin
1 Serpent Star
2 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Bubble Tipped Anemones
2 Turbo Snails
3 Margarita Snails
1 Red Foot Algae Snail
1 Astrea Snail
Torch Coral
Cabbage Leather
Red Mushrooms
Green Striped Mushrooms
Fuzzy Green Mushrooms
Blue Spotted Mushrooms
Green Star Polyps
Colt Coral
Candycane Coral
Yellow polyps
Green Zoanthus
Orange Zoanthus
Pink Zoanthus
Fire Coral
Montipora Capricornis Plate Frag
Sun Coral
Yellow Toadstool Leather
Waving Hands
Pink Pulsing Xenia
Button Polyps
Long Tentacle Plate Coral
Blue/Orange Florida Ricordea
Fluorescent lamps: 65 watt dual actinic (420nm & 460nm) and 65 watt dual daylight (6,700K % 10,000K)
Photoperiod: 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Water temp: 80 +/- 1
Specific Gravity: 1.024
PH: 8.2
Nitrate: >10 PPM
Water change: 5 gallons a month
Salt: Instant Ocean
Twice a day; mysis and flake also green marine algae every three days or so.
Clean glass as needed with Magfloat
Clean skimmer and inspect once a month
Began as a 56 column tank in October 2006 and moved from Muncie, IN to Indianapolis, IN April 2007. Moved sand, live rock, and livestock to 29 gallon in October 2007 after another move to save space. No fatalities as a result of the moves and very few fatalities since I began the hobby.