By Bob Goemans
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Fishy Bizness 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Venu

Venu writes...

Hi Bob,

I was referred to you by Tom Christou in NJ. He has all kinds of good words for you. I currently have a 90 gallon reef tank that is in a very bad condition due to hair/Botryocladia pseudodichotoma algae problems. I have read some of your Q/A section and per your suggestion, I am thinking of using ROWAphos to get rid of phosphates. However, I do not have a canister filter. I have a wetdry filter with bioballs(Amiracle). Where and how do I use ROWAphos with my current setup. Also, what do I need to do for the reduction of Nitrites in the tank?

I am also planning on setting up a Nano Reef(10-20 gal) at my work. I am planning to keep the following (leather coral, mushrooms, xenia, brain coral, Capnellia, star polyp etc). I am not too good at DIY stuff. Could you please recommend if the Nano Cube(12 gal) is a good one for the kind of nano I intend to create? If you think otherwise, could you also recommend/suggest any others?

Thank you,


Bob replies...

Hi Venu,

Before I go into any details on your questions, I am currently involved in testing some new anti algae products. One is a 100% US Government certified organic product that is designed to prevent only the unwanted species from being able to uptake any nourishment, thereby causing them to slowly starve to death. The other is also an organic product and due to possible propriety reasons unable to say at this time as to exactly how it functions. However both have been tested in aquaria, including those in public aquariums with complex systems containing a variety of fish and corals. Results appear to be promising, with no harm to desired algae, fishes, microbial processes or invertebrates. Would you be interested in partaking. If so, they will send you what is needed for your size aquarium and you must tell them how you use it and the results. In other words, you correspond with them fully and keep them aware of what is occurring in your aquarium. If so, I will send them your email address.

Does your red algae look similar to the photo of this species on my website? ( Go to the Guest Article section and open the Algae page. Can you send my a fairly good photo of it?

As for ROWAphos, which is an excellent product, you would probably be wasting your money if used where water simply tries to flow through a bag of it, such as if placed in your trickle filter. It would not only get into your aquarium because its an extremely fine material, it would also not be fully utilized since the majority of water would flow around the bag, not fully through it as what happens when used in a canister filter. So the choices are clear, at least in my opinion, use a canister filter or try one of these new anti-algae products.

Of course we can delve into the root cause and go from there. What are the levels of phosphate and nitrate in your aquarium and what brand test kits are you using? What kind of aquarium do you have, only fish and how many and type. What do you feed and how much. Please explain your system in much more detail as I need to know details to honestly help.

As for the Nano tank, it would be too small for any of the larger species corals such as leather corals, etc. Mushrooms, xenia, brain coral, and star polyp would work well. It's a nice idea for keeping small, fairly inexpensive reef environments. However, keep in mind the KISS thought, specially for these very small environments.

Let me know your thoughts.



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