By Bob Goemans
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Real Reef Rock 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Tommy

Tommy writes...

Hi Bob,

I'm a recent fan of yours, it just so happened that every interesting book I picked up was written by you.. That could be because I have enough big books with pretty pictures, and needed some education materials. Anyways, I am in the market for a Calcium Reactor I only have one Green Birdsnest coral and the coco worm that even needs calcium.. The main reason I want one is to try to do away with the PH swings in the mornings it has been as low as 7.68 from a steady 8.3 during the day.. I just recently started taking note of this thinking that it was normal, and it may be, but from my understanding a Calc Reactor should remedy this.. I don't know what my ALK measurements are but they're probably bad.. I dose B-Ionic with a litermeter3, and haven't tested Calc or ALK in forever.. I just thought if PH is 8.3 it is good.. I had no Idea it was swinging so much.. So anyways, I saw your review of the Korallin and the Mini-Cal.. What do you think of the Knop S-IV? I have kinda narrowed it down to the Knop or the Korallin 1502. The knop is a couple hundred more I do subscribe to the thought that you get what you pay for so I am leaning towards the Knop.. Do you have any insight on this?

On another note, I had a very bad experience with an Aqua-Medic Denitrator I can't believe they sell that thing it was horrible I couldn't get the Drip Rate and the MV to cooperate at all, and then the bacteria colony would stop up the outlet tube, and it would go south from there.. It was horrible. I am really afraid that I won't be able to get the Bubble Counter and the drip rate to cooperate.. So what do you think?



Bob replies...

Hi Tommy,

Thanks for your letter. You don't say how big your aquarium is, but never the less, B-Ionic should maintain both pH and calcium unless… your magnesium level is incorrect. In fact, large swings in pH is a telltale sign of low magnesium levels! Before you go into the expense of a calcium reactor, get a Salifert Magnesium test kit and check its level. Keep in mind the magnesium level must be related to the aquariums specific gravity. If not sure what it should be, contact me with both results and we will take it from there.

And yes, have heard the same about the Aqua-Medic denitrator from others. But never have used the device or heard of quick fixes other than totally cleaning it out and starting over. But have heard good things about a similar sulfur reactor device made by Deltec. Unfortunately those types of equipment are still more experimental than common everyday equipment types.

Maybe we should discuss your nitrate levels (include stocking levels, feeding, and general maintenance in your response). There are other ways to resolve it.

Checkout my website at ''




Denitrating Devices; Calcium Reactors

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