By Bob Goemans
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Bob Goemans corresponds with Mauricio Zamudio (Mexico)

Mauricio Zamudio (Mexico) writes...

Dear Mr. Goemans

I'm in Mexico thanks for your valuable information you share with us, here in Mexico information for our hobby flows very slow and is very hard to find, thank to the internet this is possible now. I know you are a bussy man and I like to ask you just a few simple questions regarding sand bed systems.

I have a 150 gal system for about 8 months with a 2 in. crushed coral layer a two tower tricke filter with a 24in. ventury skimmer, I have been having problems with nitartes all the time, never stable between 10-20 mg/l. So, I find your "Live sand secrets" book and I'm going to connect a 50 gal auxiliary live sand system to my tank, I have everything ready, my plenum, subtrate from carib sea, seaflor special grade aragonite and aragmax for the top layer, live sand, live rock curing, my pump, salt your book etc.

My questions are:

1- Can I fill the 50 gal tank with water from the 150gal tank and refill this with new water?

2- When should I conect the 50 gal to the 150 tank?

3- I like to remove the bio media for the trickle towers , should I remove both or just one and live one for oxigenation?

4- When remove the media, after I connect the 2 systems?

5- Can you recomend me a gal/per our flow for this system?

Sorry about my english I hope you can understand me.


Best regards

Mauricio Zamudio

Bob replies...

Hi Mauricio,

Thanks for your email and my wife was born and raised in Hermosillo. Where about are you located?

I have found the availability of good information lacking in many countries, however, the web is helping us hobbyists become better informed.

As for your project, I'm glad you contacted me as AragaMax should NOT be used for the plenum sandbed. It is too fine! Simply stay with a sandbed of 10 cm and use a sand grain of about 1 to 4 mm, preferably 2 to 4 mm. The CaribSea Seaflor Special grade will be okay. I would also remove about 2.5 cm of the existing substrate in your 150 gallon system as any depth over 5 to 7.5 cm can add some ammonium, a nitrogen product and plant nutrient, to the bulk water.

As for your questions, I would prefer you place the new seawater in the remote plenum system, then flow it at the rate of 25 gallons per hour back to the main system. Such a major water change in the main system would not be a healthy experience for its organisms. I recommend getting it started as soon as possible. And, the plenum system needs a couple of months to become fully functional. After that, remove the media in the trickle towers slowly over the next few months.

I wish I could find someone knowledgeable in the hobby "and" willing to translate my booklets into Spanish. If you know any one have them contact me, as they would be doing those in the Spanish speaking world a big favor!

Your English is better than my Spanish, but not my wife's! Hope this helps and keep me posted.



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