By Bob Goemans
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Eco Tech Marine 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Bob (Florida)

Bob (Florida) writes...

Dear Bob,

I recently purchased a 7 inch Lookdown and keep it in 75 gallon tank with a few other peaceful fishes. Unfortunately it appears there isn't too much information for Selene Vomer in either books or on the Internet. I am wondering if you could assist me little. First of all, I thought he would be a very active fish and always be cruising around like a tuna or marckel. Mine seems to be staying in the same spot most of time (middle section of a tank) and once a while move around. Is it normal? Also how often I am supposed to feed him? So far he only takes live feeders, and show no interest on frozen shrimp nor silversides. Please help me.

Bob - Florida

Bob replies...

Hi Bob,

Usually, Lookdowns (Selene vomer), which are quite hardy and are endemic species in your area, form big groups and cruise large areas. Since they get as big as a dinner plate, they need a very large aquarium, e.g. 240 gallons or larger. In fact, they are better suited for public aquariums, not hobbyist tanks. Hence, your aquarium is far too small, even for its present size! And that could be the problem as to its not cruising the aquarium, as its simply feeling 'caged' at this point. And when a fish does not act normal, it is to be viewed with much caution. A stressed out fish is quite susceptible to various pathogens, and a disease outbreak could be a real possibility in the very near future!

As to nutrition, they will eat almost any type meaty foods, and are voracious eaters. Of course, in the wild they feed upon live fish and yours has already been nutritionally 'programmed' and weaning it away from live foodstuffs may be difficult, but not impossible. I would try daily feedings of various marine frozen or fresh meaty type foods and see where it goes. And when you do feed live fish, use only marine fish, not goldfish feeders, which will have a negative health impact on the fish.

Even though an interesting fish, if it were me, I would return it to the wild, since it is an endemic species in your area, if I could not provide its necessary surroundings and foodstuffs.




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