By Bob Goemans
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Bob Goemans corresponds with Walt Brodrick

Walt Brodrick writes...


I have been satisfied with Marine Technical Concepts (MTC) CalPro Calcium Reactor I had running for a number of years. However, it has finally "died" on me and I'm in the market now for a replacement. I believe I bought it based on your recommendations (I always consider your recommendations before making a major purchase of any marine reef-related item.) Quite frankly, a replacement MTC CalPro seems pricey. But I'm totally in the dark on what I should buy since I haven't paid attention to changes in calcium reactor technologies, since buying my original. Is it possible that given the current state of marine reef keeping, I don't need a calcium reactor?

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me you had tested calcium reactors in the past, which appeared in FAMA. While I'm willing to spend money purchasing a new CalPro, I was hoping you'd recommend other calcium reactors for me to consider. I prefer equipment rather than manually adding "calcium" daily, since I travel somewhat.

I'm not sure if any of the following parameters would influence the kind of reactor you'd recommend: My fish and corals are generally long-lived, with some corals reproducing in the 135 gallon, equipped with plenum system, according to your instructions. Aquarium lighting is by 4 timed MH 20K Starbursts. I dose with Kent Marine's Tech I once a week per instructions and also add a 1/2 tablespoon of Coral Vital daily (when I'm home). Water changes are done about every week, give or take a day or two. I use ozone and a Kent Marine's RO/DI unit. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Walt Brodrick

PS: Since going the plenum route several years ago, I haven't had any microalgae problems. It made a difference in my staying with this great hobby. Thanks!!

Bob replies...

Hi Walt,

Sounds like the system is doing well and who ever said plenum systems crash when they become a year old! I was just speaking with a reader whose plenum system is now eight years old and is in excellent condition!

Anyway, as for reactors, I would consider using MTC smaller calcium reactor, the Mini-Cal. I had that running on a larger system than yours and it did quite well.

Checkout my new website at and let me know your thoughts,



Walt Brodrick writes...

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your quick reply. I just spent a few minutes looking over your website. I hate to use a trite phrase but, "it's awesome!" I'm going back and spend more time reading the articles and gawking at your fantastic aquariums, but I had to tell you first what a great service you're providing, by making your website available.

On a personal note, if it wasn't for your articles, especially on the plenum system, I'd be out of the hobby years ago. Before your articles appeared, I was about to admit failure in my fight against microalgae. It was frustrating. You've heard similar stories from others so I won't go through the details. Your articles came out at the right time, at least for me. Thanks to you, many of us are benefiting from your selflessness and knowledge. Bob, keep up the great work!



Bob replies...

Hi Walt,

Thanks for the kind words,



Calcium Reactors

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