By Bob Goemans
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San Francisco Bay Brand 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Wayne A. Leathem

Wayne A. Leathem writes...


It has been a long while since I last communicated with you. I am setting up a new 120 gal. reef ready aquarium to replace my old standard 55. This is a reef tank which I have had up an running for 8 years or so. I set the old one up using advise from you on the NNR. I was re-reading your article from MFM June 1996 about plenum methods which you mentioned two ways i.e. one with a screen (two screens actually) over 1 inch of sand and one with a single screen over the plenum then all sand no second screen.

Since it has been awhile have you found one to be better then the other?

Any other insights you can give me on setting this up, cycling etc. I would appreciate your expertise. It has been a while since I started from scratch.

Thanks for you help.

Wayne A. Leathem

Bob replies...

Hi Wayne,

And some people say plenum systems crash after a year - such trash!

Actually, if there will not be any digging animals in the system, not using the separating screen layer is the way to go. It simply allows for great bed depth penetration if deeper vacuuming if ever needed because of an excessive bioload.

I have a new website that you may find helpful. Let me know what you think. In fact, my guru and I are working on a total redo of the animal library that will have close to 1000 color photos with info on each animal! That will hopefully be done by mid June. Also, to be added will be a section on all aquarium equipment, and general system maintenance procedures. The goal is to have the most professional and informative marine site in the world!

Hope this helps and keep me posted,




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