By Bob Goemans
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Eco Tech Marine 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Lucas Grathwohl

Lucas Grathwohl writes...

Hello Bob,

This is Lucas again and it has been a little over two weeks since I received your latest correspondence. I read what you had to say and recommend and I can say that the information was very helpful.

I looked at the website and was very intrigued by how simple and potentially effective this product can be. I have yet to place an order (I know you want some feedback on the effectiveness of this product) but when I do (as soon as I can scrape together a little more cash, being the holiday season and all) I will give you some feedback. From what I could glean from the website, the product looks safe, effective, easy to use, and economical (with free shipping to boot!).

I also purchased for my aquarium an Eco-aqualizer E55 unit complete with the re-circulation kit to implement with my aquarium set-up. I told them about my past experiences with their product (I had tried it about six or so months ago with no success and returned the product, only to not receive my shipping and handling refund, which their website says should be the case), and was told that they would ship out a FREE E55 unit complete with the re-circulation kit and detailed instructions to walk me through step by step the installation for my aquarium. I must say this was VERY gracious indeed, and I look forward to seeing how the device will/should help with my water quality.

There were a few "glitches" so to say in implementing some of your recommendations. For invertebrate food, for instance, you recommended the "Bioplankton" product made by the folks at Liquidlifeusa. I contacted Edward Rameirez directly like you instructed and was able to personally talk with the man. We went into detailed discussions about the harvesting and processing of the phytoplankton cultures, etc., and what ultimately would be the best route for my aquarium needs. I told him that his product sounded intriguing, but that the only problem for me economically speaking would be the shipping of the product (it needs to be shipped second day air or faster). This effectively takes a product that looks feasible right off the bat (a 30 ml. bottle only runs about twenty-four dollars from most online stores I have looked at) but once you throw in the expedited shipping costs (about twenty dollars for most locals) the product doesn't seem very intriguing anymore. I told Edward of a few options that would work for me, one being if he could interest the folks at to carry the product. I have ordered from this outfit before, and due to the very short distance separating me from them (I'm in Minnesota; they are across the border in Wisconsin) I only have to pay the standard shipping charge for most orders, and my goods arrive to me in LESS than two days. However, Edward has not contacted me again as to whether or not he is willing to do this, so perhaps his product will not be going into my tank after-all.

You also wrote and suggested the Tunze brand of powerheads as being the right pick for most people. I went to their website and looked over all of their product lines, and I must say that these devices look to be top of the line. The only problem is, top of the line means BIG BUCKS, and the Turbelle powerhead unit that I figured would best meet my needs runs about $80 a powerhead! That is WAY too much money than I am willing to spend just on powerheads, so I was wondering if you had any other suggestions. I was considering the powerheads made by the folks at Aquaclear, as they seem to be top of the line also, but yet FOUR times cheaper that what Tunze is willing to price their products at. I have not contacted Roger at AquaTek like you suggested, but seeing as I am only a know-nothing, unheard of aquarium keeper instead of a nationally prominent and well respected gentleman like yourself, I doubt that Roger would even have the time of day to address my needs (perhaps offering up some "used" equipment or what not that he would offer for, say, half the price of the what his products normally go for). Plus, the number you gave was not toll-free, so just trying to talk to and get a hold of the man would cost money. Could you offer up an email where I might be able to contact this individual, as this was the way I was able to get the ball rolling with Edward at Liquidlife. As far as contacting fellow hobbyists, I'm not sure I would like to go this route, for while most are very conscientious and take care of their tanks and equipment very well (myself included), there are a few that who knows what you are going to get from them. Any suggestions that you could offer would be welcome.

I guess this covers the "jest" of my letter. If you can expand on or otherwise offer up any more suggestions, I would welcome the input. It should be working just fine and should not give you any problems (I have sent and received information from others with no difficulties). Reply as soon as you can, but if you busy, please feel free to take your time. Thanks for your time and happy holidays!


Lucas Grathwohl

Bob replies...

Hi Lucas,

I'm glad the holidays are just about over as the visiting family, both from the east coast and Mexico has worn me down! And I've had little computer time to keep pace.

I'm happy to hear the folks at ECO-Aqualizer treated you so well! They really are good folks, and have a worthwhile product. However, people who still think in the box may not agree!

As for Edward at Liquidlife, I'm very sure he will follow up on anything that will enhance the distribution of the product. And by the way, he now has a Rotifer product that is similar to the BioPlankton product! I've tested it, and it appears to be an excellent product. Give him some time to respond, then email him to see where things have progressed.




Powerheads; Feeding Invertebrates; EcoAqualizer

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