By Bob Goemans
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Ocean Nutrition 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Pete Michela (Damascus, MD)

Pete Michela (Damascus, MD) writes...

Good evening Bob,

Several years ago I broke down a 125G plenum system to move to a new home and 3 years later here I go again. I had also stopped all of my subscriptions so I am really out of touch, but I of course remember all of your books and articles and again seek a bit of reassurance as I begin that spending spree again. Ah but yes I still have the better equipment and books on hand. As matter of fact you and I met at the Chicago MACNA while my wife and I attended, not that I would expect you to remember but you were wait in a back area waiting for Sam G. I was also particularly interesting in seeing him since he had helped me for so many years via e-mail as sand beds began to take off.

I have no reason not to do things the same unless something has changed in a few years, so my all important questions are that, as I recall you had been mentioning and magnetic device that would brake a nitrate molecule as to render it harmless (or something like that) if you recall, you were just testing it at the time and I am wondering if that product ever come to reality?

Also a sand question, as I this week begin renewing my subscriptions, I am assuming a 4" bed of 1mm sand still it the norm. This is just a 125g system lit w/ 3 x 175MH & 2 55w PC's and a Euro Reef skimmer. The sand will be installed in a 50g sump once the rock has cured for a bit.

As always, your help and advice are always welcome and respected.

Pete Michela

Damascus, MD

Bob replies...

Hi Pete,

There's been a lot of water under the bridge so to speak from the time we met! However, plenum construction is still the same, except I recommend using 2 - 4 mm grain sand. Over the long-term, the slightly larger grain size insures that diffusion will not be hampered by poor maintenance or too high bioloads.

As for the magnetic device, we gave up on it for many reasons, but low and behold someone else has brought it to the marketplace. Go to my website ( and open the "Book and Product Reviews" page. Simply click on its icon at the bottom of the page visible after entering through the keyhole on the opening page. Then click on the review titled ECO-Aqualizer and read all about it! However, its not to the point where nitrate will be all removed, but its certainly a good product as explained in the review.

Checkout my website and let me know your thoughts,




EcoAqualizer; Aquarium Setup Advice

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