By Bob Goemans
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Real Reef Rock 

Bob Goemans corresponds with Steve Funge (England)

Steve Funge (England) writes...

Hello Bob,

I currently have a 48x18x18 reef tank with a 30" sump. I have around 30kg of live rock with a trickle filter in the sump. Other equipment is a beast skimmer, calcium reactor, ROWAphos reactor and a UV. My water parameters are pH 8.2 - 8.3, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0.5mg with all other water parameters ok. I mainly have hard corals Acropora, Montipora and Euphyllia. At present I have a powder blue coral beauty, common clown and a pyjamma wrasse. I would like to add some more fish. Would it be possible to add a majestic angel or 4 - 6 blue chromis. After reading articles about stocking levels and compatibility, it has just left me more confused.


Steve Funge, England

Bob replies...

Dear Steve,

Thank goodness you asked before purchasing the Majestic Angelfish! First, this fish can reach about 25 cm, and therefore should not be placed in anything smaller than 125 gallon system, which has many hiding places. It also feeds upon sponges and tunicates, and is known for picking on and stressing various corals. Its really a nice fish-only tank specimen however, needs lots of space. Not a good choice for your system.

As for Chromis, there are many types. If you were really talking about Chromis and not other types of Damselfish, which are usually aggressive, than that would be a good choice. I would also consider a small shoal/school of Green Chromis, probably about 10 - 15 to begin. Some my die-off, as they can be sensitive to changes in salinity, and/or general conditions. They are peaceful fish and very inexpensive.


Bob Goemans


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