By Bob Goemans
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Fishy Bizness 

Family Merulinidae - Hydnophora and some others

 Merulina ampliata (Ruffle Ridge Coral, Lettuce Coral, Ridge Coral)

Merulina ampliata
(Ellis & Solander, 1786)

Ruffle Ridge Coral, Lettuce Coral, Ridge Coral

Likely Reef Tank Suitable

Likely Fish-Only Tank Suitable


Only the species in the genus Hydnophors are of interest in this family. Their common names include Velvet Horn Coral, and Horn or Knob Coral. These photosynthetic corals take several growth forms, e.g., flat colonies, thick-branched colonies, and massive round colonies. Colors are normally cream or green, and the fluorescence of some makes them very attractive. They are aggressive and can deliver powerful stings with sweeper tentacles; however, attacks usually involve acrorhagi or mesenterial filaments. As for the other genera, their species are shown for identification only.

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