By Bob Goemans
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 Solenocera faxoni (Prawn)

Solenocera faxoni
de Man, 1907


Not Reef Tank Suitable

Not Suitable for Fish-Only Tank


These are generally termed "Prawns" and are trawled for during evening hours for human consumption. They are found on sandy and silty areas usually in protected reef areas. Also, they are cultured in seaside farms by many of the local people in many areas.

Occasionally, a specimen may turn up in the aquarium trade and should be treated similar to other shrimp species. Shown here for identification only.

FYI: Prawns are usually, but not always larger than shrimps, with shrimp having branching gills with prawns having lameller gills with a platelike structure. Also the front pincers of shrimp are usually larger, while prawns have bigger second pincers and also longer legs. Prawns also carry their eggs inside the body while shrimp carry the eggs outside the body.

Family Penaeideae

Family Solenoceridae

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Fishy Bizness