By Bob Goemans
Site Supported in Part by:
Fishy Bizness 

Nereis Worms

 Scalibregma inflatim (Nereis Worm)

Scalibregma inflatim

Nereis Worm

Reef Husbandry Not Known

Fish-Only Husbandry Not Known


These large bristle "Nereis" worms, sometimes reaching 16 inches (40 cm), are major predators and nocturnal feeders. They burrow and do not live in a tube. Unfortunately they also burrow into soft corals and damage or kill them. Natural predators include the Harlequin Tuskfish (Choerdon fasciatus) and Green Bird Wrasse (Gomphosus varius). Removing these worms when seen with a large tweezers is highly recommended.

Family Nereidae

Family Scalibregmatidae

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Polyp Lab